Hijacking online accounts through voicemail
When it comes to online accounts, voicemail is a major security hole. Here’s why.
51 articles
When it comes to online accounts, voicemail is a major security hole. Here’s why.
Originally targeting users from Japan, Korea, and China, Roaming Mantis is quickly spreading worldwide, infecting smartphones through hacked wi-fi routers.
Do border agents have the right to search your devices? How can you protect your data from searches at the border? We have 11 tips covering this topic.
If someone offers cryptocurrency for nothing, remember the only free cheese is in a mousetrap. Here’s what’s really going on.
Xiaomi’s robotic vacuum cleaner was hacked by security researchers. However, it proved much more secure than most other smart devices.
The largest motor show in the world is the best place to see what cars will look like in the near future.
Several months ago, our experts found a bunch of vulnerabilities in Android apps that allow users to control their cars remotely. What has changed since then?
A story about a large malicious campaign carried out in Facebook Messenger — and how it worked.
Android Trojans have been mimicking banking apps, messengers, and social apps for a while. Taxi-booking apps are next on the list.
Can you be sure the encrypted USB drives you’re using won’t reveal your company’s secrets to hackers? Problem is, current certifications can’t guarantee it.
What do movie characters typically do when there is a door with an electronic lock on their way? They call a hacker, of course. The hacker connects some sort of contraption to the lock. During the next several seconds, the device picks every possible combination and shows it on its (obligatory, bright) segment display. Voilà! The door is open.
One of the most important pieces of advice on cybersecurity is that you should never input logins, passwords, credit card information, and so forth, if you think the page URL
Usually when we talk about encryptor ransomware, we recommend that victims do not pay the ransom. To begin with, paying encourages malware creators to continue their operations. It’s simple supply
Ransomware has hit the news in a big way lately. Is this malware just another hot-button topic that everybody will forget about as soon as a new big threat emerges?
Two-factor authentication with SMS is widely used by banking institutions. Of course, this measure works better than a mere password but it’s not unbreakable. Security specialists found out how it can be
One thing you might not know about hackers is that besides cracking some virtual systems many of them are fond of hacking real world stuff as well. One thing of
At the recent Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg two IT experts, Felix Domke and Daniel Lange (former Head of IT strategy at BMW) gave a talk on what exactly had happened with
We’ve told you this time and time again: never click suspicious links, never open files received from unknown sources, always delete mail from untrusted senders. While all of these pieces
Turla APT group, also known as Snake and Uroboros, is one the most advanced threat actors in the world. This cyber espionage group has been active for more than 8 years,
Cyber-physical security researchers Marina Krotofil and Jason Larsen presented their research on hacking chemical plants at Black Hat and DEF CON – this was a very fascinating talk. It’s not that hacking a chemical
Security researcher Chris Rock discovered, that it’s very easy to kill a human. We are talking in a legal sense not the one that carries moral and legal consequences. All you need