Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 155

In this episode of the podcast, Dave and Jeff discuss Zoom bombings in court, Canon hit by ransomware, a US bounty for election interference, and more.

Canon hit by ransomware, zoombombing at Twitter hack hearings

For the 155th episode of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable Podcast, Jeff and I talk about the recent Canon ransomware attack and much more.

The first story we look at is about some US lawyers asking the California DMV why (and how) they’re making $50 million a year selling driver’s license data. From there, we turn to recent news that the US government is offering a bounty of $10 million for information about election hacking.

Moving over to the gaming world, the next story takes a look at a “vigilante” who’s hacking the hackers, so to speak. GamerDoc has garnered some fame exposing cheats and cheaters in the first-person-shooter gaming world, and it seems cheat developers are none too pleased.

Then we look at a story that should never have been: The alleged Twitter hacker was summoned to a virtual court, but matters soon took a turn when Zoom-bombers invaded, shouting and broadcasting pornography. The session was quickly adjourned.

Finally, we discuss yet another big company apparently being hit by ransomware.

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