Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 122

Dave and Jeff discuss the recent news around hackable toys, politics in Tinder, and phishing campaigns in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Kaspersky podcast: Nowhere to hide from politics, even in Tinder

Welcome to the 122nd edition of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast. This week, Dave and I take a look at what’s doing the rounds this week in the infosec world.

To start, Evil Corp, a loose coalition of hackers, has managed to steal more than $100 million — but now the FBI is offering a $5 million reward.

We then chat about the Which? consumer group, which is warning parents about a “hackable” Bluetooth walkie-talkie. And scammers are looking to profit from the game The Elder Scrolls Online by sending out phishing e-mails and messages (if an e-mail ever asks for your password, delete the e-mail.)

Finally, Tinder users are sharing more than their fair share of information on the dating platform.

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