The hidden risks of cheap Android devices
Buying a cheap Android device can be an expensive mistake if it fails to perform its primary function or happens to be infected with viruses right out of the box.
11 articles
Buying a cheap Android device can be an expensive mistake if it fails to perform its primary function or happens to be infected with viruses right out of the box.
The specifics of protecting and updating the OT infrastructure.
The top-4 technologies in use today that long belong in a museum.
Adware, Trojans, and other malware aren’t the only reasons not to download illegal games.
The story of a guy who just wanted to download a pirated copy of a game but got malware instead. It’s happening more and more often, and we explain why.
Most computer infections come from visiting porn sites, or so some people say. Are they right?
Android Trojans have been mimicking banking apps, messengers, and social apps for a while. Taxi-booking apps are next on the list.
Living online is more comfortable than ever — do you really still need a helmet?
In the days of cyberwars and cybermafia, it’s hard to recall times when computer viruses and worms were just research projects or pranks. Back then, there were no monetary incentive
Pop-up ads aren’t the massive problem they once were, but they’re still a nuisance. And because most reputable sites now steer clear of them, a lot of the pop-ups that
It’s a common belief that Macs are safer than PCs because most computer viruses are designed to attack Windows machines and not Macs. Recent high-profile Mac-targeted viruses like MacDefender and